Have you ever wondered whether your bearded pet dragon eats its poop? It may seem strange, but it’s common among these beloved reptiles. So, if you’ve been asking yourself, “Do bearded dragons eat their poop?” this post is just for you! In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look at why bearded dragons eat their waste, delve into the types of feces they consume, and explain what nutrients they get from eating it. Plus, we’ll provide some helpful tips on how to keep your pet beardie from doing so.
do bearded dragons eat their poop?
Bearded dragons may sometimes eat their feces, known as coprophagy. This behavior is usually seen in younger bearded dragons and can result from a nutritional deficiency or an inadequate diet. Coprophagy can also indicate that the dragon’s digestive system isn’t working correctly. It’s essential to monitor your dragon’s Behavior to ensure they eat the proper diet for their age and size. If you notice that your dragon is eating its poop, then it’s recommended that you consult your veterinarian for help figuring out what may be causing this Behavior. Supplementing their diet with nutrients or ensuring they are getting enough food might be enough to stop them from coprophagia.
Why do bearded dragons eat their poop?
1. Nutrient Re-Ingestion:
Bearded dragons naturally eat their poop for re-ingesting nutrients. This behavior is known as coprophagy, and it helps to ensure that they are getting all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, and proteins from their food.
2. Gut Health:
Re-ingesting their feces helps bearded dragons to maintain a healthy digestive system by adding beneficial bacteria back into their gut which can help with digestion and absorption of nutrients. Additionally, since there is no way to absorb more than 80% of the nutrients in food through digestion alone, coprophagy ensures that they are not missing any essential vitamins or minerals that could be found in their waste material.
3. Avoidance of Predators:
Bearded dragons also eat their poop to avoid predators. The smell of the feces is off-putting to potential predators and therefore helps them stay safe from attack or capture.
4. Stress Reduction:
Coprophagy can also help bearded dragons reduce stress levels caused by unfamiliar environments or situations. Eating their waste gives them a sense of familiarity and security which can help them cope with any anxiety.
5. Learned Behavior:
Lastly, some bearded dragons may have learned this Behavior from other reptiles who engage in coprophagy regularly as part of their regular diet. This could be due to observing older lizards eating their poop or being around other snakes that do it regularly. Whatever the cause, this learned Behavior can continue to be passed down if not corrected.
How to stop bearded dragons from eating their poop?
Maintain Good Hygiene Practices:
The most critical step in stopping your pet from snacking on its poop is ensuring that its enclosure is always clean. Bearded dragons should have their cages spot-cleaned at least once daily and given a deeper clean every week. This includes disposing of waste, scrubbing surfaces to remove bacteria, and providing fresh bedding. With the odors and potential parasites eliminated, your dragon is less likely to be tempted by its excrement.
Try Different Foods:
Many bearded dragons will only eat their poop if they aren’t getting enough nutrition from their regular diet. in this case, try offering it a wider variety of foods such as insects, fruits, and vegetables. If it’s still eating its poop after being provided adequate amounts of nutritious food options, it could be due to stress or boredom.
Provide Stimulating Environments:
Like humans, bearded dragons need mental stimulation to remain healthy and happy. Ensure your pet gets plenty of exercise by providing various toys and places to explore. You can also offer up different activities such as providing them with paper towels. so they can shred or hide their food around its enclosure for them to find. This will help keep your dragon active and engaged, making it less likely to indulge in its own droppings.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety:
Finally, stress can significantly explain why your bearded dragon might be eating its own poop. Make sure to keep its environment as calm and peaceful as possible. Reduce loud noises, sudden movements, and bright lights that could make it feel anxious or scared.
Is it safe if bearded dragons to eat their poop?
No, it is not safe for bearded dragons to eat their own poop. Eating their own feces can lead to illnesses or even death. When a bearded dragon eats its own waste, the bacteria in the excrement can enter its bloodstream and cause serious health issues such as septicemia. Additionally, eating their own feces can cause malnutrition and dehydration. Moreover, consuming fecal matter may result in parasites being ingested, increasing a bearded dragon’s risk of becoming ill or dying prematurely. For these reasons, avoiding letting your beardie consume its own droppings is best. another question that comes to our mind is why does my bearded dragon poop on me? this is also a major problem if you want to know the reasons here is the detail for you.
Is bearded dragon poop toxic?
Bearded dragons are lovely creatures to keep as pets. However, their droppings arise when considering their health and safety for you and your pet. Fortunately, bearded dragon poop is not toxic when handled carefully. However, it can carry parasites or harmful bacteria that can cause diseases in humans or other animals if proper hygiene protocols are not followed. This means wearing gloves when cleaning the cage or handling the droppings and washing hands thoroughly with soap and water afterward. Also, it is essential to properly dispose of any waste materials away from children or other animals.
Final words:
In conclusion, we have learned that bearded dragons may occasionally eat their poop, but it should not be considered something they do regularly. While there is no scientific evidence suggesting why they might engage in this Behavior, it is thought to be either a result of their desire to get the nutrients from the food they’ve just eaten or because they are curious and mistake their own droppings as something edible. Whatever the reason, it’s essential to keep an eye on any unusual eating habits your bearded dragon may exhibit and take appropriate steps if overlooked. It’s also a good idea to consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your furry friend’s health.