how to tell if bearded dragon eggs are dead?

Do you have a Bearded Dragon as a pet and wonder if its eggs might be dead? You don’t need to worry anymore! In this blog post, we will discuss how to tell if bearded dragon eggs are dead. We’ll tell you what signs to look for, provide tips on proper egg-handling techniques, and address other important topics about these precious creatures’ reproductive cycles that can help you gain peace of mind. So read on if your pet reptiles’ future babies are a concern.

bearded dragon dead eggs

how to tell if bearded dragon eggs are dead

1. Visual Signs of Dead-Bearded Dragon Eggs:

Bearded dragon eggs can typically be inspected to determine if the egg is still viable or dead. It’s important to note that as the egg ages, it will naturally become opaque and yellowish. This doesn’t necessarily mean the egg is dead but it should be monitored carefully. Some visual signs of a dead beardie egg include discolorations, smudges, cracks, holes, and other damages on the surface of the shell. A dead egg may also appear collapsed or sunken compared to a living one.

2. How to Test for Viability:

There are several methods for testing to tell whether a bearded dragon eggs is dead or not. One such method is the float test which involves filling a glass or bowl with warm water and placing the egg in it. If the egg floats, it suggests that air has entered into th, and it is longer viable. Alternatively, if an egg sinks to the bottom of the container, then this generally indicates that it may be alive.

3. Candling:

Candling is another method for determining whether or not an egg is still viable. The process involves holding a bright light up against the side of an egg to look inside using a magnifying lens to inspect its contents. To perform this test successfully, one should be able to make out some movement from within an intact and living shell. If nothing is seen or the egg’s contents appear discolored and messy, then it’s likely that the egg is dead.

4. Temperature Test:

The temperature test requires an incubator to measure the temperature of a beardie egg over time. When a viable egg is placed in an incubator, its internal temperature will remain relatively constant; however, if an egg isn’t alive, its internal temperature will begin over time. A consistent decrease in temperature suggests that the egg has stopped developing, and as a result, it may be considered dead.

5. Egg Turning:

Egg turning involves regularly rotating eggs during incubation so they don’t become stuck in one position. This is important as an egg needs to be moved occasionally so that the embryo can receive a consistent supply of oxygen and nutrients. If an egg is not turned or doesn’t move when it is turned, it suggests that the embryo has died and the egg should be discarded.

6. Artificial Incubation:

Artificial incubation involves using specialized equipment to control various factors such as temperature, humidity, and gas levels to provide optimal conditions for eggs to develop successfully. This allows breeders to monitor the development of their eggs more closely and reduce the chances of them becoming dead. However, even with artificial incubation, there are no guarantees that all eggs will make it to hatching.

how to tell if bearded dragon eggs are good?

 Good bearded dragon eggs should be round and firm to the touch. The liquid inside an egg is a sign that it has gone bad. these are four signs to look out for when examining your bearded dragon’s eggs:

1. Color:

Good eggs will typically have a white or cream color with no dark spots, while bad eggs will tend to have a reddish or yellowish spots zone.

2. Feel:

When gently squeezing the egg, it should feel hard and not give in too easily if it is good. A bad egg will often feel soft and squishy.

3. Shell Strength:

Good eggs have strong shells that can withstand some handling without breaking apart, while bad eggs have weaker shells and may crack or break open.

4. Odor:

Good eggs should not have any noticeable odor, but bad eggs can give off a foul smell that indicates the egg is no longer usable.

what do bearded dragon eggs look like?

Bearded dragon eggs are small, oval-shaped objects with thin leathery shells. Generally, these eggs measure around one inch long and are light brownish-grey. The texture of the egg is quite dry and papery to the touch. Additionally, there may be some ridges or bumps on its surface.

When first laid, the egg will appear solid, but it will become more transparent as it matures. Inside the egg, you can see veins and other structures that make up the embryo. These eggs can take two weeks to a month to fully develop before they hatch.

Bearded dragon eggs are typically laid in groups of up to 15 in sheltered, dry places such as caves or in the leaves and debris at the bottom of their enclosure. The female will lay her eggs about 2-3 weeks before they are ready to hatch.

When looking for bearded dragon eggs, it is important to check any mounds of dirt that may be present around the enclosure, as these could be where she buried her eggs. It is also important to look carefully under pieces of furniture or decorations that may have been placed in the vivarium, as this, too, can be where she has hidden them. Overall, bearded dragon eggs can range in shape, color, and texture depending on their maturity. Generally speaking, the eggs are small, oval-shaped, and light brownish-grey.

Another question is if we want to sell our bearded dragons or their healthy eggs, where we can sell them? if you want to know about this query, you can click here where I can sell my bearded dragon and eggs.

how to tell if the bearded dragon has eggs?

When you keep a bearded dragon, it’s important to determine whether your pet is carrying eggs. Females will typically lay eggs about every four weeks after they reach maturity. Bearded dragons can store sperm for up to 18 months, so it’s possible for them to lay fertile eggs without recent mating.

Thus, knowing the signs of egg-laying to properly care for your pet is important.

1: Appearance and Behaviors

If a female bearded dragon carries eggs, you will likely notice changes in her behavior and physical appearance. She may become more sluggish than usual or appear to be in pain due to the pressure of the eggs. You may notice that her belly has enlarged as she stores the developing eggs inside her body. Additionally, you may find that she eats less than usual and spends more time in a warm area.

2: Egg Sacs

the second way to tell if your bearded dragon is carrying eggs is by looking for egg sacs. These thin, leathery sacs contain eggs and can hang from the female’s body. They may be visible through her scales or outside her body before she lays them. The sacs will typically darken in color as they near the time for laying.

3: Checking for Eggs

Checking your female bearded dragon’s body for eggs is also possible. To do this, gently lift the scales on her underside and feel underneath with your fingers. make sure to be as gentle to avoid hurting her. The eggs will feel like small, hard nodules and can usually be seen through the scales.

4: Egg Laying

The final way to tell if your bearded dragon is carrying eggs is to observe her during the egg-laying process. there are two ways: by providing her with a substrate to lay the eggs in or by observing her when she’s outside. If your dragon is laying eggs on her own, you should notice that she will dig a shallow nest and then begin rolling over repeatedly until all the eggs are laid. Once she has finished the process, she will cover up the nest with the substrate to protect it from predators before leaving.


In conclusion, how to tell if bearded dragon eggs are dead or alive, it is important to remember to observe the same routine each time. If the egg is vibrating, then it is most likely still alive. Bearded dragon eggs can die at any stage of development due to a variety of reasons, one of those being poor incubation conditions. When holding the eggs, one should do so carefully, as even handling them may cause embryo death. It is also important to watch for discoloration in and around the eggshell that could indicate death or illnesses.

What to do with infertile bearded dragon eggs?

Bearded dragon eggs that are infertile typically do not need special attention and can be safely discarded. However, if you want to store them for educational purposes, it is important to store them in a cool and dry place. Before disposing of the eggs, it is important to make sure they are fully dry to prevent bacteria or mold growth.

Are bearded dragon eggs deflated?

Bearded dragon eggs can deflate for a variety of reasons. The most common cause is the egg being laid too shallowly in the substrate, which can cause the eggshell to crack or deflate through contact with air. Another common cause of deflation is a calcium deficiency in the female bearded dragon, which can cause the eggshell to be too soft or weak. Other causes include dehydration and incorrect temperatures during incubation.

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