Can Bearded Dragons Get High? Everything You Need to Know

Do you sometimes wonder if your bearded dragon enjoys the occasional high? It’s only natural to contemplate whether reptiles, specifically those with charming personalities like beardies, can experience the same pleasures. While it’s still a debate among reptile enthusiasts, scientific evidence suggests that certain species react positively to ingesting various substances. So can bearded dragons get high and experience altered states of perception as humans can? Let’s take an in-depth look at all we know.

Can Bearded Dragons Get High?

Bearded dragons can get high, but not in the same way as humans. When bearded dragons are exposed to certain environmental stimuli, they can experience a euphoria or relaxation known as a “high.” Certain scents can cause this feeling in bearded dragons, such as lavender and chamomile. In addition, some herbs, such as marjoram and fennel, can create a calming effect for bearded dragons when used in moderation.

It is important to note that while these methods can help promote relaxation in your bearded dragon, they can also be overused. Too much of a certain scent or type of music can create a negative reaction in your bearded dragon and cause them to become stressed or agitated. Therefore, it is important to use these methods sparingly and always keep an eye on your pet’s behavior when experimenting.

bearded dragons get high

Can bearded dragons eat Marijuana?

No, bearded dragons should not eat Marijuana. Marijuana contains the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can cause serious health problems in pets. It can lead to severe neurological side effects, including seizures, tremors, and even coma.

In addition, THC can severely decrease a bearded dragon’s appetite, leading to poor nutrition and weight loss. As herbivores whose diet is essential for maintaining good health, this could be very dangerous for them. Therefore it is important to keep any marijuana products far away from your bearded dragon.

If you suspect your pet has ingested Marijuana in any form, contact a veterinarian immediately for advice on what to do next. Even though Marijuana may seem harmless or beneficial to humans, it can be very dangerous for your pet, so it is important to take these precautions.

It’s important to remember that Marijuana can be found in edibles or baked goods such as cookies and brownies, which could look attractive to a curious bearded dragon. Make sure you store any cannabis products securely out of reach of pets, children, and other animals. It is also vital to educate others in the household about why it is so important not to feed Marijuana or any cannabis product to a bearded dragon.

Why bearded dragons get high?

Bearded dragons may get high for a variety of reasons.

1. Plants or herbs:

First, they could have ingested certain plants or herbs that contain psychoactive compounds. These plants can be found in the wild, and some pet owners may even give them to their bearded dragons as a treat.

2. Smoke other odors:

Another reason a bearded dragon might get high is its exposure to strong smells such as cigarette smoke, incense, or other odors with potent chemicals.

3. Insects consumption:

There is also the possibility that a bearded dragon could become intoxicated by eating too many insects that contain certain toxins or drugs in their system.

Regardless of the cause, it’s important to note that when a bearded dragon is under the influence of something, it can act differently than usual and may need extra care and attention. If you think your bearded dragon is high, it’s best to seek veterinary advice.

Negative Effects of Getting High in Bearded Dragons

Using Marijuana, alcohol, and other drugs can have various adverse effects on bearded dragons. While the exact mechanism behind these effects is not fully understood, there are several known risks associated with getting high in these reptiles.

1. Impaired Motor Control and Balance:

Marijuana use has impaired motor control and balance in bearded dragons. This means that they may experience difficulty walking or crawling while under the influence of Marijuana. Additionally, their movements may become clumsy or uncoordinated, leading to an increased risk of injury

2. Increased Stress Levels:

Getting high in bearded dragons has been linked to increased stress levels. This can cause them to become more aggressive and have difficulty controlling their emotions. Sometimes, this can lead to other health risks, such as depression or anxiety.

3. Impaired Cognitive Function:

Marijuana and other drugs may impair the cognitive functions of bearded dragons. This could result in decreased ability to learn and remember new information and a decrease in overall alertness. Additionally, it could lead to problems with impulse control and difficulty focusing on tasks at hand.

4. Decreased Appetite:

The intoxicating effects of marijuana use have been found to reduce appetite in bearded dragons. This could lead to malnutrition if left unchecked, potentially resulting in serious health issues.

5. Increased Risk of Infection:

Marijuana use has been associated with a higher risk of infection in bearded dragons. This is due to its impairing effects on their immune system, making them more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Additionally, marijuana smoke may contain toxins that could further complicate any existing infections.

As you can see, many potential risks are associated with getting high in bearded dragons. While some cases may not be serious enough to cause lasting harm, it’s important to remember that these reptiles are delicate creatures and should be handled with care at all times.

Can bearded dragons eat weed leaves?

Bearded dragons should not eat weed leaves. The chemicals in the leaves can be toxic and cause adverse effects on your pet’s health when ingested. Ingestion may lead to digestive issues, lethargy, vomiting, seizures, or even death. Always ensure that the area where your bearded dragon lives are free of potentially hazardous plants or weeds so they cannot access them.

Can you smoke around a bearded dragon?

No, it would help if you never smoked around your bearded dragon. Not only can secondhand smoke harm humans, but it is also bad for the sensitive respiratory system of reptiles. Secondhand smoke can irritate their eyes and cause lung inflammation, leading to serious health problems. Additionally, smoking can lead to burns on the skin of a bearded dragon if it accidentally comes into contact with lit cigarettes or ashes. Always smoke away from them and their environment to keep your pet healthy and happy.

If you are a smoker and own a bearded dragon, try to limit exposure as much as possible by not smoking inside the house or near your pet’s terrarium. A good idea would be to have designated areas within your home where you can go to smoke. Always open windows and keep the door closed while smoking so your dragon doesn’t get exposed to any toxins from the secondhand smoke. Not only will this help keep your pet safe, but it will also eliminate secondhand smoke exposure for anyone else in your household. In short, it is never advisable to smoke around a bearded dragon.


Though much research is still needed, bearded dragons can get high. If you think your bearded dragon may be experiencing these effects, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. You can also do a few things to prevent your bearded dragon from getting high in the first place. By being aware of the potential risks and taking steps to avoid them, you can help keep your pet healthy and happy.

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