How to dispose of a bearded dragon ? 4 major steps

Dealing with the death of a beloved pet, such as a bearded dragon, can be extremely difficult and emotionally draining. After the initial shock passes, one may wonder what needs to be done to properly honor their furry friend who has passed away. Whether you are looking for information about burial or cremation options, disposal methods, or recommendations regarding memorials – this blog post will provide comprehensive guidance on how to dispose of a bearded dragon in a proper way.

bearded dragon dead how to dispose of

If your bearded dragon is dead, it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure that the remains are appropriately handled.

Bearded dragon brumation:

The first step is to confirm that the beardie is dead and not merely inactive or in a state of brumation (hibernation). If you are uncertain whether or not your beardie has passed away, contact an experienced reptile veterinarian for help.

Necropsy of bearded dragon:

The Necropsy of a bearded dragon is an important process to determine the cause of death and identify any underlying medical conditions. Necropsies involve examining the internal organs, analyzing tissue samples, and sometimes culturing bacteria or other microorganisms. Necropsies are typically done in a veterinary office or clinic with specialized equipment such as microscopes and X-ray machines. Necropsy can help answer questions about your pet’s health before they died, diagnose diseases that may have contributed to their death, and inform decisions regarding future treatments.

Wrap up the carcass:

 Once confirmed, carefully wrap up the carcass in newspaper and place it in a leak-proof plastic bag or container with a secure lid. This will help prevent odors from escaping and protect you from any potential diseases present within the body. sometimes you can allergic to bearded dragons so it is necessary to wrap up properly.

Dispose of bearded dragon:

 Dispose of the bearded dragon’s remains as soon as possible. Check with your local municipality to find out what types of disposal are available in your area, as regulations may vary by location. Some places offer pet cremation services for reptiles, while others only provide burial services.

What is the cremation of a bearded dragon?

When people think of cremation, they usually think of humans. Cremation for your bearded dragon is not something you may have considered before, but it can be a great way to honor the life and memory of your beloved pet. Cremation is a process where the remains are placed in an oven and heated to very high temperatures until all organic matter has been reduced to ashes.

This process of disposing of the bearded dragon can be done either privately or through crematory service. If you choose to do it privately, you only need an oven that can reach temperatures high enough to properly cremate your pet’s remains. However, this isn’t recommended as it can be a very involved process and requires special equipment and safety measures. A pet crematory service will have all the necessary equipment and experience to perform the task safely and efficiently.

Cost of cremation:

Bearded dragon cremation cost can vary depending on your chosen service. Traditional cremation typically costs around $200-$300, while individual cremation usually runs between $400 and $600. If you’d like a private, family-only viewing of your bearded dragon before they are cremated, this will also add to the cost. Additional services, such as memorial items or paw print imprints, can be arranged for an additional charge. In some cases, special requests may increase the bearded dragon cremation cost even further.

Burial of bearded dragon:

In this process, the deceased body is placed in a grave and covered with soil. It’s a very simple and natural method of disposal. This process is done by those pet lovers who want to look after the grave of their loved ones. But this process could be done with proper care.

Process of burial:

 First, gather materials for disposal, such as gloves, a plastic bag, paper towels/rags, and a shovel. Gloves should be worn when handling the deceased animal to avoid contact with any potential germs or diseases that could be present on its body. Dig a shallow grave for the dead, bearded dragon and place the plastic bag into it; fill the hole with soil or sand. Be sure to dispose of any used gloves, shovels, and rags afterward. Make sure to dispose of any leftover food and bedding for the bearded dragon.

Stay safe—wash your hands and dispose of all materials according to local regulations. It is important to ensure proper disposal and safety when handling deceased animals to prevent contamination of other people, animals, or even nature. With careful steps, you can dispose of a dead, bearded dragon safely and securely.

It can be heartbreaking when our bearded pet dragons pass away, but following these steps will help you deal with this difficult situation.

A bearded dragon’s body to fully decompose:

Bearded dragons are a species of lizard that lives in the desert regions of Australia and require special care to stay healthy and happy. As with any animal, their bodies will begin to decompose when they die. How long this process takes can vary significantly depending on how they are disposed of.

Under normal circumstances, it can take anywhere from one month to two years for a bearded dragon’s body to fully decompose. This is because their bodies have many parts that need to decay before the remains are unrecognizable or no longer present. For example, their skin may take several months to break down, while the bones can last up to two years or even longer if buried deep enough. Factors like climate and how the body is disposed of can also affect how quickly the body decomposes, with warmer temperatures generally speeding up the process.

Bearded dragons can play dead:

Bearded dragons can play dead as a means of self-defense. This behavior can be triggered by danger or when they feel threatened, scared, or stressed out. The dragon will lie motionless on the ground with its legs tucked away close to its body, and it usually stays in this position for several minutes until it decides that the perceived threat is gone. In some cases, the bearded dragon can remain in this state for up to half an hour. This behavior can be seen in wild dragons and domesticated ones and can be simulated by gently tapping or prodding them with a stick or other object. However, it is not recommended that you encourage this behavior.


While there are many ways to dispose of a dead, bearded dragon, the most important thing is that you do it in a way that is respectful and legal. It would be best if you also were sure to take all precautions to ensure that your home does not become infested with bacteria or parasites from the carcass. I hope this article has helped give you peace of mind about what to do with your beloved pet after they have passed away.

Can bearded dragons live without meat?

Yes, they can eat insects, plants, and many other animal-based foods. So they can live without meat. But we should give them a combination of these three types of food.

What to do with a dead lizard?

There are two options when any lizard is dead. The first one is the cremation process and the second is the burial process. By using one of them you can dispose of them in a careful manner.

Can you flush a dead lizard?

Most people flush dead lizards, hamsters, and many other reptiles. But this is not recommended it can block the pipeline so we should choose the right way to dispose of them.

Can I kiss my pet bearded dragon?

No, it’s not safe to kiss your pet. We can understand you love your pet but kissing can make you sick we should avoid eating and drinking with them.

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