Why does my bearded dragon poop on me 10 reasons

Are you a bearded dragon pet owner who had the unfortunate experience of their beloved scaly friend pooping on them? You’re probably feeling completely bewildered, wondering why this happened in the first place. Chances are, your bearded dragon was just expressing its natural instincts or maybe trying to tell you something—but before we go any further, it’s important to understand the unique behavior and needs of these special lizards. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the reason for this question why bearded dragon poop on me and what steps can be taken to prevent similar experiences in the future!

bearded dragon poop

Reasons why bearded dragon poop on me

1. stress:

 Bearded dragons are sensitive creatures and emotional stress can cause them to take out their frustrations on you by pooping.

2. Territorial behavior :

Bearded dragons may be feeling threatened or aggressive when they see someone unfamiliar in their space, leading them to express themselves by pooping.

3. Poor lighting conditions :

The bearded dragon needs appropriate levels of ultraviolet light and heat provided by an adapted terrarium environment to stay healthy; a lack of these conditions could cause bearded dragons to poop as a sign of discomfort or distress.

4. Inadequate nutrition :

a proper diet is essential for a bearded dragon’s health and well-being, any deficiency could lead it to release its waste onto you and help communicate its need for better nutrition

5. Insufficient stimulus:

 Like any other pet, bearded dragons need sufficient mental stimulation from activities such as playing with toys or interactive feeding sessions; insufficient stimulation can lead your shelled friend to feel frustrated and respond with misbehavior like pooping on you

6. To keep clean:

Some beardies may poop over their owners because they think that’s how they should potty train us, humans!

7. To mark territory:

If your female bearded1. A bearded dragon may be trying to mark its territory.

8. Digestive issue:

They could have digestive issues that make them poop more frequently than normal.

9. Feeling cold:

When bearded dragons are too cold, they might poop in order to generate heat energy that can help keep them warm and comfortable.

10. way of communication:

 Bearded dragons often use pooping behaviors as part of communication between themselves and owners/other animals in their immediate vicinity—it’s thought that when bearded dragons are feeling particularly vocal they will poop on their owners!

How to prevent a bearded dragon not pooping on me

1. Ensure that the bearded dragon’s habitat is kept clean and free of any fecal matter. Clean the substrate regularly, as well as any decorations and furniture in the enclosure to reduce the risk of contamination.

2. Handle your bearded dragon only when necessary, such as for feeding or vet visits. Never pick them up unless you need to, and always handle them with care.

3. When handling your beardie, make sure to do so gently, using slow and purposeful movements. If a bearded dragon feels scared or startled, they may become stressed and try to protect themselves by pooping.

4. Feed your bearded dragon a balanced diet that is appropriate for their age and size. An imbalanced diet can cause a variety of gastrointestinal issues, which may result in poor digestion and loose stools.

5. Allow your bearded dragon to get enough exercise by providing them with plenty of space to roam around and explore. A bored bearded dragon may be more likely to poop on you when they’re being handled.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that your bearded dragon won’t poop on you! Remember, it’s important to provide your beardie with the best care possible in order to keep them healthy and happy.

Why does my bearded dragon always poop on the bed?

Bearded dragons are instinctively drawn to warm and comfortable areas. As such, your bed may be a preferred spot for your dragon to relieve itself due to its softness and warmth. This is a common behavior among bearded dragons, so there is no need to worry if you notice your pet pooping on the bed. Even bearded dragons can eat their poop but this activity can be dangerous for them.

It might help to provide your dragon with an alternative area where it can go potty instead of on the bed. You could try offering up a designated spot in the cage or reptile carpet that they may use instead. Additionally, you could also keep the temperature in their environment more consistent as this could encourage them to do their business elsewhere, away from your bed.

Bearded dragon abnormal poop

Abnormal feces can be an indication of a serious medical issue that needs immediate care from a veterinarian.

If your bearded dragon’s poop is runny or watery, it could mean that they are dehydrated or have diarrhea due to a bacterial infection. Abnormal bearded dragon droppings could also contain mucus, which is a sign of intestinal parasites. If you notice any of these changes in your bearded dragon’s droppings, take them to the vet right away for a medical examination and treatment.

Other signs of an unhealthy bearded dragon include discolored feces, foul odor, or a change in frequency or amount of stool produced. If you notice any of these changes, take your bearded dragon to the vet as soon as possible.

The best way to keep your bearded dragon’s droppings healthy is to provide them with a balanced diet and plenty of water. A well-balanced diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, insects, and commercial bearded dragon food. Additionally, bearded dragon diarrhea home remedies can be used if poop is runny. By providing a healthy environment for your bearded dragon, you can help keep their droppings normal and maintain their overall health.

Bearded dragon black poop

Bearded dragon black poop can be a sign of various health issues. If the feces appears unusually dark or tar-like, it could indicate that your pet is suffering from internal parasites or metabolic bone disease. Additionally, inadequate light and improper diets can cause bearded dragons to produce dark feces. It is important to take your pet to the vet for an exam if you notice any changes in their bowel movements.

In addition to color, texture can also indicate potential health problems. A normal poo should appear moist but firm and should not be overly wet or lumpy. If the poo looks slimy and has a bad smell, this could be a sign of infection or intestinal blockage and needs immediate medical attention. Furthermore, if there are mucus strings attached to the feces, it may signify intestinal inflammation or parasites.

It is important to keep a close eye on your bearded dragon’s habits and health. By monitoring changes in appetite, activity level, and bowel movements you can nip potential issues in the bud before they become more serious. If you have any concerns about your bearded dragon’s black poop, take them to a vet right away so that they can be properly evaluated and treated.

How often do bearded dragons poop?

Bearded dragons typically poop every one to three days. If a bearded dragon is eating regularly and the environment is ideal, they tend to have regular patterns when it comes to how often they defecate. It’s important to pay attention to how often your bearded dragon is pooping so you can check for any health issues or other signs that something may be wrong with them.

 If there are drastic changes in how often your pet poops, it could be indicative of an underlying issue that needs medical attention. Additionally, if you notice any changes in the consistency or color of their feces, contact your veterinarian right away. Keeping track of how often your bearded dragon is pooping will help you keep them healthy and happy!

How often do bearded dragons pee?

Bearded dragons are rather unique creatures that require a specific care routine. One important factor of their health is how often they pee. Knowing how often bearded dragons do pee is essential for the overall well-being of your pet.

Bearded dragons typically urinate once to twice per day, depending on various factors such as diet, hydration level, and activity levels. Provide plenty of fresh clean water on a regular basis to ensure that your dragon stays sufficiently hydrated. An under-hydrated dragon will not have enough water in its body to produce urine and therefore won’t pee very often. A well-fed and active dragon will be able to expel excess waste more easily than one who is inactive or not fed frequently.

It is also important to keep an eye on how often your dragon urinates because it can be indicative of health issues. If you notice that your bearded dragon suddenly stops peeing altogether, then it is a cause for concern and further medical attention should be sought immediately. This could be an indication of kidney or bladder problems, which are more common in older dragons.

Overall, knowing how often do bearded dragons pee can help ensure their proper care and health. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh water and watch for changes in their urination habits as this could indicate underlying health issues. By taking the time to understand how often do bearded dragons pee you can better take care of them by providing the proper hydration levels and nutrition they need.

Do bearded dragon poop and pee smell?

Bearded dragons are among the most popular pets kept in homes today. They have endearing personalities and are relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for reptile owners. But does bearded dragon pee smell?

In general, bearded dragon urates do not produce an offensive odor. The scent of their urine is usually faint and does not linger in the air. It may be stronger if they haven’t had enough water to drink or if they are suffering from dehydration or other health issues that can affect the smell of their urine. If you notice your bearded dragon’s urate has a strong smell, it could be a sign that there is something wrong with their health. Here is further detail to know more why does bearded dragon poop smell so bad?

The smell of bearded dragon poop, however, does tend to linger more than that of the urates. This is because bearded dragon feces typically contain more bacteria, which can produce a stronger smell. If your bearded dragon’s enclosure has an offensive odor, it could be due to their poop buildup and not necessarily their urine.

Overall, does bearded dragon pee smell? Usually not in small amounts or with proper care  If your reptile companion’s urine does become strong smelling however, it could be an indication of a health issue and may require further investigation by your veterinarian. Make sure to keep an eye on your pet’s urate composition as part of their routine health.


Hopefully, this article was helpful in diagnosing why your bearded dragon decided to poop on you, as well as how you can prevent it from happening again in the future. Although it may be a natural behavior for them, that doesn’t make it any less gross or embarrassing for us as pet owners—so do your best to keep things clean! If you have any other questions about reptilian waste or hygiene, feel free to reach out to us. We know everything there is to know about these scaly creatures and would be happy to help however, we can.

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