
Can Bearded Dragons Fart? Debunking Myths

As a bearded dragon owner, you may have wondered about some peculiarities of your scaly friend’s digestive system. One question that frequently comes up is can bearded dragons fart. In this blog post, we will discuss bearded dragon digestion, debunk the myth surrounding their flatulence, address misconceptions about diet and gas, and unravel their fascinating …

Can Bearded Dragons Fart? Debunking Myths Read More »

Why bearded dragon swollen beard? Causes and Prevention!

Does your bearded dragon have a swollen beard that has got you worried about their health and well-being? Do not fret! This blog will explain why bearded dragons sometimes develop a swollen beard, common causes, potential treatments, and more. So, if you are concerned about your beloved reptilian companion’s health – stick around and learn …

Why bearded dragon swollen beard? Causes and Prevention! Read More »

do bearded dragon’s nails grow back? The Surprising Answer!

Are you a bearded dragon lover? If so, you’re likely always looking for new information and tips to keep these unique reptiles happy and healthy. One of the most common questions beardie owners ask is do bearded dragon’s nails grow back? It’s an important question since trimmed nails are essential for a well-maintained pet, but …

do bearded dragon’s nails grow back? The Surprising Answer! Read More »